Dear residents, as previously noted, we will be commencing the use of Fenning Street and Melior Street as a one way route for our construction traffic, consisting mainly of muck away trucks, from early in week commencing 15th April from St Thomas Street round and in through our gate 1 in Melior Street opposite the church.
The period of use for this route will be the same as our site working hours. No construction vehicles will be allowed to enter Fenning Street until after 08:00 hours Monday to Friday and there will be limited vehicle movements on Saturdays with any construction vehicles commencing after 09:00 hours.
We will have additional Traffic Marshals stationed in Fenning Street and Melior Street to control traffic flows. We will erect a Red & White retractable barrier at the end of Melior Street, beyond our gate 1 entrance and the path of the construction vehicles, to create a safe refuge for Manna Society clients to wait behind in the mornings until their doors open at 08:30am.
If any residents or local adjacent businesses have deliveries planned to these roads we will be happy to book these onto our logistics schedule to assist with management of overall traffic flows. Our Traffic Marshals will assist with manoeuvring non construction traffic back along Fenning Street if required.”